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Tag: playwright

Trying to select the option

I want to click these option on the pages is there any I am new to a playwright I am not familiar with playwrights so much kindly any solution recommended these is page link Answer You can use the select_options for selecting 30. You can use the text selector and then click the checkboxes like this:

how to get element from a table, to be selected in playwright python

for example, it passes the ‘ids’ but I would just like to download from the table that contains the description ‘Edição 993 link direto gdb’ and the next ones that come. I tried to bring it with page.inner_html(“tbody”), but I’m new to python, programming in general, do you have any suggestions of what I can do to get it? Answer

How to use playwright and beautifulsoup on web page which has pagination?

Locked for 37 days. There are disputes about this question’s content being resolved at this time. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions. I am new to web scraping. I want to scrape the data (comments and respective dates) from this web page–151777938 It has pagination for pages…. This is the way I am doing This code

How to locate a changing element in playwright? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 11 months ago. Improve this question I am filling a input-box with verification code, but the text which can locate the input-box is keeping changing, just like “30 seconds later, you

How to download PDF files with Playwright? (Python)

I’m trying to automate the download of a PDF file using Playwright, I’ve the code working with Selenium, but some features in Playwright got my attention. The real problem the documentation isn’t helpful. When I click on download I get this: And I cant change the directory of the download, it also delete the “file” when the browser/context are closed.
