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Tag: variables

Taking an element from a list/variable [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Difference between del, remove, and pop on lists (14 answers) Closed 1 year ago. I’m trying to take a card away from the deck after the player’s cards have been dealt, so those cards aren’t dealt again. But here is my command error: Answer I think you are looking for remove() which removes the

Get globals() dict from other module

I have follow this method to create a settings file with globals. I have : in : I cannot see “test” in globals ! Any idea please ? Answer In Python, global variables are only global in the module where they were defined. If you want to access the global variables of an imported module, you can use:

Variable string inside variable name

I know this is a bad title, and I realize that dictionaries are usually the way to solve this, but I’m not sure how they would solve the issue in my particular case. I am using argsparse to collect inputs from the user. Two of the variables we’ll call args.session_1 and args.session_2 which refer to paths. Later in my script,
