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Tag: valueerror

ValueError: Invalid fill method. Expecting pad (ffill) or backfill (bfill). Got nearest

I have this df: And when I try to run this interpolation: pmms_df.interpolate(method = ‘nearest’, inplace = True) I get ValueError: Invalid fill method. Expecting pad (ffill) or backfill (bfill). Got nearest I read in this post that pandas interpolate doesn’t do well with the time columns, so I tried this: pmms_df[[‘U.S. 30 yr FRM’, ‘U.S. 15 yr FRM’]].interpolate(method =

ValueError: A `Concatenate` layer requires inputs with matching shapes except for the concat axis. Got inputs shapes: [(None, 36, 36, 128), etc

Any idea on what I’m missing? The exception comes up on u6 = concatenate([u6, c4]) I’m using python 3.9.1, my imports involve mainly Keras using a TensorFlow backend. I’ve also tried removing some of the MaxPooling, but that didn’t help, as well as changing some of the MaxPulling variables. My image input is: input_img = Input((300, 300, 1), name=”img”) Answer
