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Tag: stream

Proccesing audio from twilio media stream using Python

I am streaming call audio to my local server using Twilio Streams. For reference I used the offical guide from the Twilio Team. Decoding the audio and saving it to a .wav file works, although when playing back the audio sounds somewhat distored (“slow-motion” with compression artificats). You can listen to it on soundcloud here. Compared to the audio recording

Asyncio Streams automatically restarts to read data even after writer.close() is run

I followed the tutorial in to read data from a sensor (TCP protocol, PC as the server): The program is supposed to finish after 1 second data transmission. However, the output is: It repeated automatically and infinitely. What is the reason for this and How could I solve it? Answer Problem serve_forever() listens to the port indefinitely. So, even

Detecting cheapest way to build independent iterators

Suppose I’m writing a function taking in an iterable, and my function wants to be agnostic as to whether that iterable is actually an iterator yet or not. (This is a common situation, right? I think basically all the itertools functions are written this way. Take in an iterable, return an iterator.) If I call, for instance, itertools.tee(•, 2) on

Live-output / stream from Python subprocess

I am using Python and it’s subprocess library to check output from calls using strace, something in the matter of: However, this only gives me the output after the called subprocess already finished, which is very limiting for my use-case. I need a kind of “stream” or live-output from the process, so I need to read the output while the

How to convert an iterable to a stream?

If I’ve got an iterable containing strings, is there a simple way to turn it into a stream? I want to do something like this: Answer Here’s my streaming iterator an experimental branch of urllib3 supporting streaming chunked request via iterables: Source with context: Related unit tests: Alas this code hasn’t made it into the stable branch yet
