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Tag: sorting

Sort by custom function in R

In python, I can do something like It gives me [1, 5, 99, 100, -5, -7, -100] It is sorted by positive/negative number and abs value. How can I do the same thing in R? Without splitting into positive and negative numbers? a = c(1,100,5,-5,-7,99,-100) Answer Use the order() function: Created on 2022-03-22 by the reprex package (v2.0.1) Another possibility

Usage of sorted with ord() and lambda in python

I was doing an exercise on Hackerrank, and in the discussion I stumbled upon a very nice one line solution to solve the following question: S is an alphanumeric string, and you have to sort it using the following rules: All sorted lowercase letters are ahead of uppercase letters. All sorted uppercase letters are ahead of digits. All sorted odd

How can I sort a python list by key without .sort()?

I want to convert this piece of code in order to make it compatible with Numba. The only sort method that Numba support is sorted() but not with the key arg. I have to manualy sort without other lib imports or maybe just some numpy. Someone could give me an efficient way to do this sort ? Thanks Edit :

Processing files in sorted order

I have 67 images in a directory with names as: Files are jpg files Im_260x_y where x is the number of images 1..67, y are 0, 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 258. These files are randomly stored in the directory. I want to process the files in sorted order (same order which I have written above i.e Image
