I just can’t figure out how to map a keyword as a condition. The above function returns a bool value either True or False. “Is the Closed Message Page Present” is a keyword which I want to make condition. If the condition is true then it should execute the below two keywords else skip it. I tried following: I am
Tag: selenium
Can’t get href from Selenium webdriver scraping youtube
I am trying to scrape youtube videos from a channel by doing the following code below however, it seems that my element_titles don’t have a href attribute. This worked about a year ago and I am unsure why it doesn’t work now? Did youtube change the way we can get href? The following attribtues are what is found in the
Python Web browser click listener
Is there any packages or ways to detect what is being clicking in a web browser? I mean get tag/xpath from the web browser (of what is being clicked)? To afterwards find it via selenium or similar? Or even with to determine what it is with the coordinates of the mouse click. Like the codegen in Playwright or similar, like
Selenium – how to check that button is HIDDEN, without throwing error? (python)
I’m trying to do the test to learn Allure, and to assure that the test is passed, the button has to be INVISIBLE. It first clicks 1st button to make 2nd button appear. Then click 2nd button – so same (2nd button disappears). Here it is: http://the-internet.herokuapp.com/add_remove_elements/ My code would look like this (below), it clicks the 1st button, 2nd
Web Scraping with table that can be changed
I have succesfully managed to set together a script now that extracts some information from a table on this website: https://www.nordpoolgroup.com/en/Market-data1/Power-system-data/Production1/Wind-Power-Prognosis/SE/Hourly/?view=table Now, I want to do this for all dates of 2021. I suppose I have to use the input id=”data-end-date” and activate some kind of button pusher, but I don’t understand how this can be done theoretically and have
Python – Selenium is complaining about element not being scrolled into view after scrolling to that element
I have the following code which is supposed to scroll down the page and then click a button. When I run my script, I can see that the page does scroll until the element is at the very bottom of the page, but then the script fails when it gets time to click on that button and I get this
Python Selenium – how to get all urls on a page that only load the link after clicking on the div?
I’m trying to scrap the results from this page https://www.zapimoveis.com.br/aluguel/apartamentos/sp+sao-paulo+zona-sul+itaim-bibi/ using Selenium, but I got stuck on obtaining the url of each result. It seems safe to say that each card’s url is not stored on a <a> element and apparently not stored at all at any point of the inner html of each div. The only way to obtain
Why is the get_attribute() function in selenium returning an empty string when inspecting the webpage shows the attribute?
I am trying to grab the src attribute from the video tag from this webpage. This shows where I see the video tag when I am inspecting the image. The XPath for the tag in safari is “//*[@id=”player”]/div[2]/div[4]/video” This is my code: Using .text instead og .get_Attribute also returns an empty string. I have to use safari and not chrome
Selenium, issue getting ID of a generic tag and clicking
Issue: I cannot get a clickable variable that points the chosen anime title. The title is an tag that has a tag that contains the anime name. What I want to do is: 1)Get all anime that appear from the website 2)Select the anime that has the same name as the input variable “b” 3)Get the chosen anime title clickable
Login Automation Using Selenium Not Working Properly
I have built a login Automator using Selenium, and the code executes without errors but the script doesn’t login. The page is stuck at login page, email and password are entered, but login is not completed. enter image description here I have tried 2 ways to login: By clicking on Login through Click () Using Enter in password area But