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Tag: selenium-webdriver

Selenium retry URL when ValueError

How can I retry url from list if ValueError? Error: Or other exceptions. Can use if ValueError then driver.refresh(2wice) but I dont know location in the code: Maximum retry 2 Answer You can put the entire thing in a try/except block and if it encounters a ValueError at some point, you can put the same code under except and it

How to get Selenium to recognise a button and click it?

How would I get selenium python to recognise this button in HTML? I’ve tried this and other tags to get it This is the button snippet code Answer Your locator is wrong. The class is named cookie-monster__cta, not .cookie-monster. js-cookie-monster-accept seems to be unique class name. Use it for finding your element. Also, you should wait for elements before clicking

Expected browser binary location, but unable to find binary in default location, no ‘moz:firefoxOptions.binary’ capability provided

I am trying to get back into using Python Webdriver. I have here the code This causes: If I try: I get Geckodriver.exe is sitting right there in the downloads folder. Answer This error message… …implies that the GeckoDriver was unable to locate the firefox executable while trying to initiate/spawn a new Browsing Context i.e. Firefox Browser session. Reason The
