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Tag: selenium-webdriver

Incorrect password string gets entered by send_keys in selenium python

Somehow send_keys enters repeat password or string other than mentioned password leading login failure. Tried adding explicit wait(), driver.clear() but does not work. Here is a sample code in Python – Approach 1 – Here instead of “xyz” probably “xyzxyzxyzx” string gets added to the password field(cannot decode as password gets masked). Please suggest. Approach 2 – Also, another try

chrome not reachable Selenium webDriverException

Option values when creating drivers On the remote server(ubuntu on EC2) via ssh, Attempt to run Python scripts using selenium via nohup python3 ~~. py> ~/log.out & It works well when maintaining the ssh connection with the server. But an error occurs a few seconds after disconnecting the ssh selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: chrome not reachable (Session info: headless chrome=102.0.5005.61) How do

Selenium test getting interrupted by a popup

I am trying to run some practice test on this webpage that prints the current positions of teams in this table: but each time i run the script, I keep getting interrupted by a popup that I can’t seem to get Selenium to click. I have tried adding a wait before clicking, but it keeps returning the same error

How can I print more links from the HTML DOM using Python Selenium?

Html: Python selenium code trials: Output: How print ooooo.pdf and aaaaa.pdf? I want to print more links, what should I do? Answer element_to_be_clickable() returns a single WebElement hence href attribute of only the first matching element is printed. Solution To extract all the href attribute values you have to induce WebDriverWait for visibility_of_all_elements_located() and you can use either of the
