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Tag: return

Dictionary of np arrays

I am working on a load function that loads files containing one pandas dataframe per file (or even better one np array). I.e. I am loading a .csv file and I want to link it to only one array variable. This function takes as input one dictionary containing the name I want (as key) the variable to take and the

How to stop Recursion and return answer?

This is a sudoku solver function and I have 2 questions: Why 2nd print print the original sudoku? How can I get the sudoku solution (not print it), because I want to reuse the solution. (I have tried using return sudoku but get None) Thanks:) Answer Maybe it is not elegant but I use global list all_solutions and append duplicated

Python Return Command In Recursion Function

While learning Python and browsing the internet I stumble upon a piece of code in I tried to run it using their built-in site Python IDLE and using my own Python 3.9.0 Shell. What I got is two different outputs. I want to know which output is the correct output and why is it providing two different outputs. The
