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Tag: pytube

youtube downloader by pyscript

I’m trying to make a youtube downloader by pyscript but I got this error Answer Web browsers do not allow applications to open TCP sockets. Your application depends on urllib which requires TCP sockets. The package urllib is not supported by any web browser due to the browser’s security sandbox. Your application and its dependencies must be modified to use

pytube (python) video stops playing video after few seconds

I have been using pytube to create my youtube video downloader and after the video is done downloading and compiling and i play it, it plays for only a few seconds then just displays a still image while the audio continues in background These are the functions in file “” And this is the “” file: Answer I tried your

Using Pytube to download videos of a playlist of specific length

I am trying to download the videos of a YouTube playlist using the PyTube – library. Since the playlists I need have a few thousand videos I want to add the condition that just videos of the length 10s to 1 hour should be downloaded. So far I can download all videos of a playlist with the following code: Can

Using Pytube to download playlist from YouTube

I am looking to download a YouTube playlist using the PyTube library. Currently, I am able to download a single video at a time. I cannot download more than one video at once. Currently, my implimentation is This results in the following output And the YouTube file is downloaded. When I try this with a playlist link (An example) only
