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Tag: youtube

problem with my python youtube video downloader

hi guys I’m new to python and i was trying to make a YouTube video downloader, the code is working but the completion message is not shown when video download is completed and I don’t know why the code: Answer You have big mess in code. You runs download() two times before you even select resolution – so you download

Accept cookies consent from Youtube

I’m trying to retrieve a list of Youtube videos from a Youtube channel, say “”, to get the nth first videos (thanks to the key = “videoId”). It used to work like a charm until a few days ago, when it started to ask for my consent. I tried many things on SO with no luck, I still see the

Downloading YouTube videoes with pafy module with tqdm progressbar

I am trying to make a code to download videos from YouTube using pafy module and a progressbar using tqdm module, however the progressbar is finished before the download complete. here is my code download piece: here is a pic a the progressbar: Answer Problem is because pbar.update() expects value current_received – previous_received download gives only current_received so you

Crawling IMDB for movie trailers?

I want to crawl IMDB and download the trailers of movies (either from YouTube or IMDB) that fit some criteria (e.g.: released this year, with a rating above 2). I want to do this in Python – I saw that there were packages for crawling IMDB and downloading YouTube videos. The thing is, my current plan is to crawl IMDB
