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Crawling IMDB for movie trailers?

I want to crawl IMDB and download the trailers of movies (either from YouTube or IMDB) that fit some criteria (e.g.: released this year, with a rating above 2).

I want to do this in Python – I saw that there were packages for crawling IMDB and downloading YouTube videos. The thing is, my current plan is to crawl IMDB and then search youtube for ‘$movie_name’ + ‘trailer’ and hope that the top result is the trailer, and then download it.

Still, this seems a bit convoluted and I was wondering if there was perhaps an easier way.

Any help would be appreciated.



There is no easier way. I doubt IMDB allows people to scrap their website freely so your IP is probably gonna get blacklisted and to counter that you’ll need proxies. Good luck and scrape respectfully.

EDIT: Please take a look at @pds’s answer below. My answer is no longer valid.
