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Tag: python

merge columns in numpy matrix

I have a NumPy matrix like this one (it could have several columns, this is just an example: I need to merge all columns in this matrix, replacing nan values with the corresponding non-nan value (if exists). Example output: Is there a way to achieve this with some built-in function in NumPy? EDIT: if there is more than one non-nan

Django – Retrieve all manytomany field objects related to a specific model

I have my models reviews and news, both having a manytomany relation with Category model. Now I want to get all the categories associated with only one of these two models. For example, to get all categories associated with News model, I tried querying database with News.categories.all() but got AttributeError: ‘ManyToManyDescriptor’ object has no attribute ‘objects’. News Model: Reviews Model:

How to draw a line between a data point and an axis in matplotlib?

Using matplotlib one can use: plt.hlines/vlines to draw segments (e.g. between two data points) plt.axhline/axvline to draw lines relative to the axes My question is: what is the simplest way to do half of each? Typically, drawing a segment from a datapoint to its coordinate on the x or y axis. Answer In my opinion, this is simple enough (4

Dropping rows at specific minutes

I am trying to drop rows at specific minutes ( 05,10, 20 ) I have datetime as an index Then I run below it returnes invalid syntax error. Answer You can just do it using boolean indexing, assuming that the index is already parsed as datetime. Or the opposite of the same answer:

“parameter ‘self’ unfilled” when using decorators, even after instantiating object

I’m using a decorator with parameters to do something with an instance attribute (self.x in this example, if track_bool is true). However when running I get the “parameter ‘self’ unfilled” error when calling From what I understand this error is supposed to appear when calling an instance method before instantiating an object, so I don’t understand why it appears

Select XML tags that have certain tags inside them

I am parsing an xml file with Python using ElementTree, and I need to select tags like <PostalAddressText> below that have tags like <insert> inside them. How do I do that? I need to get a list of all relevant tag names in the xml file that satisfy the condition. Here’s a fragment of XML that I am parsing (the

Fail the build/script as per os.system()’s output

I’m trying to create helm charts and push them to Nexus repository in parallel(multiprocessing) on 100s of folders and its working good. But, I would like to fail the script or the build, incase the exit status is other than 0. With my current code set up, even though the exit code returns non zero value, here 512, the build
