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Tag: tags

How to get the value of an element within a tag?

I want to get the values of data-account and data-id which are elements within play-js tag. elemname = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(‘xpath…/div/play-js’) I tried like below, but I couldn’t get the value. With javascript, I was able to import it with the code below. How can I get the value of an element within a tag rather than the tag itself? Answer You

Select XML tags that have certain tags inside them

I am parsing an xml file with Python using ElementTree, and I need to select tags like <PostalAddressText> below that have tags like <insert> inside them. How do I do that? I need to get a list of all relevant tag names in the xml file that satisfy the condition. Here’s a fragment of XML that I am parsing (the

I want to replace the html code with my own

I am using lxml and beautifulsoup library, actually my goal is to translate text of the specific tags out of the whole html code, what I want is, I want to replace the text of specific tags with the translated text. I want to set a loop for the specific xpath in which all the translated text should be inserted

how to register a tag in HTML django to make a string lowercase?

I have a python list, iterated over to display a bullet point list on a web page. I want to make each entry in the list lower case, but still keep the original case for what get’s displayed. I’m getting the following warning via Django below: My html: thanks Answer ref:
