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Tag: python

Can’t write xlsx file to another folder

Please help me, the programmer who made this software is gone and now I’m in trouble: the program opens an xlsx file, inserts some data inside and saves it with another name, I need this file to be saved in a specific directory, can anyone help me? Thank you! Answer In (filename = self.filename) you can provide any path

REST API: How to prevent “An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host”

Following this thread,, I am wondering if there is any room for improvement to my REST API query that would limit the frequency to which I receive the following error: “An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host”. The thread suggests, as one possibility, that the query is malformed. My general setup for a query to Azure

matplotlib.pyplot.clim counterpart in pyqtgraph

I want to apply a colormap (“hot”) only to a certain range of values of an image. I already know this functionality from matplotlib.pyplot.clim where you have to specify a minimum and a maximum value for the scaling. As I understood it, you should use setLevels([min,max]) for this. I have included a minimal example which shows that both representations are

Replace cv2.warpPerspective for big images

I use python OpenCV to register images, and once I’ve found the homography matrix H, I use cv2.warpPerspective to compute final the transformation. However, it seems that cv2.warpPerspective is limited to short encoding for performance purposes, see here. I didn’t some test, and indeed the limit of image dimension is 32767 pixels so 2^15, which makes sense with the explanation
