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Tag: python

Can Python-Markdown support imageboard-style links?

I would like to add an additional syntax to Python-Markdown: if n is a positive integer, >>n should expand into <a href=”#post-n”>n</a>. (Double angled brackets (>>) is a conventional syntax for creating links in imageboard forums.) By default, Python-Markdown expands >>n into nested blockquotes: <blockquote><blockquote>n</blockquote></blockquote>. Is there a way create links out of >>n, while preserving the rest of blockquote’s

How can I find the sum of a users input?

Above is a code I have so far. It prints: My goal is for the code to add up the two services and make a total price. My end goal should look like this: Notice how the code added both prices and made a “Total.” Is there any way I can do this? I’m a beginner computer science major, so

Lookup Values by Corresponding Column Header in Pandas 1.2.0 or newer

The operation pandas.DataFrame.lookup is “Deprecated since version 1.2.0”, and has since invalidated a lot of previous answers. This post attempts to function as a canonical resource for looking up corresponding row col pairs in pandas versions 1.2.0 and newer. Standard LookUp Values With Default Range Index Given the following DataFrame: I would like to be able to lookup the corresponding

How to efficiently do operation on pandas each group

So I have a data frame like this– What I am doing is grouping by id and doing rolling operation on the delay column like below– It is working just fine but I am curious whether .apply on grouped data frame is vectorized or not. Since my dataset is huge, is there a better-vectorized way to do this kind of

How to process files based on their date in Python?

I have two sort of files, xml files and txt files. The files have a date in their name. If the date of the xml file matches the date of a txt file I want to open the txt file do some processing and write the output to a list. After that I want to change the xml file. Multiple

Passing list into query in Python

I am trying to execute an SQL Query in python. I have a pandas dataframe which is necessary for passing CompanyId column to my query. I want to use the CompanyId inside the IN operator of SQL. I tried, But no chance. I can create the very same query thanks to the paste function in R like, But I am

Divide multiple columns in pandas

I’m working with the following table: input_test input_test2 input_test3 ip_test ip_test2 ip_test3 ENSG00000000003.15 1 1 1 3 3 3 ENSG00000000457.14 2 2 2 1 1 1 ENSG00000000460.17 2 2 2 3 3 3 ENSG00000001036.14 3 3 3 4 4 4 ENSG00000001167.14 3 3 3 5 5 5 My goal is to make a new column called translational efficiency that divides
