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Tag: markdown

How to make label in st.multiselect bigger/bolder

I am looking to make the label of multiselect bigger / bolder, my code looks like this : I have tried adding this : from this page : but all it does is display the text on my app like so : Am I doing this wrong? Could it be the streamlit version? Answer You should wrap the css

Can Python-Markdown support imageboard-style links?

I would like to add an additional syntax to Python-Markdown: if n is a positive integer, >>n should expand into <a href=”#post-n”>n</a>. (Double angled brackets (>>) is a conventional syntax for creating links in imageboard forums.) By default, Python-Markdown expands >>n into nested blockquotes: <blockquote><blockquote>n</blockquote></blockquote>. Is there a way create links out of >>n, while preserving the rest of blockquote’s

Python: Convert markdown table to json with

I am trying to figure out, what is the easiest way to convert some markdown table text into json using only python. For example, consider this as input string: The wanted output should be this: Note: Ideally, the output should be RFC 8259 compliant, aka use double quotes ” instead of single quotes ‘ around they key value pairs. I’ve

Python – how to overwrite output from Markdown library

I have following problem, i’m using markdown library for my webapp and i need to modify the output generated by it, namely i want to change default <img src=”…”> tag into <img data-src=”…”>. What would be the best way to change the html generated by this module? Answer You probably want to use Python-Markdown’s Extension API. Most people use the

Python : How to convert markdown formatted text to text

I need to convert markdown text to plain text format to display summary in my website. I want the code in python. Answer The Markdown and BeautifulSoup (now called beautifulsoup4) modules will help do what you describe. Once you have converted the markdown to HTML, you can use a HTML parser to strip out the plain text. Your code might
