What I am trying to accomplish: Use contents of a text file to search for values in JSON file. My text file contains one entry per line. The will match values in the JSON file. I would like to iterate this list and return matches from the JSON file I have also tried including a for loop before the first
Tag: python
AttributeError: module ‘keras.preprocessing.image’ has no attribute ‘img_to_array’
I have added following libraries and half part of the code is executing. In second half I get this error. Libraries added: Error: AttributeError: module ‘keras.preprocessing.image’ has no attribute ‘img_to_array’ I was following this code and changes the libraries too still can’t resolve the issue. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/06/k-means-clustering-and-transfer-learning-for-image-classification/ Answer It has now moved to tf.keras.utils.img_to_array. See the docs
How to increase the number of decimals when predicting an attribute using LSTM on Python?
I have an LSTM model on Python (Keras) in which predicts floats with long decimals. However, the predicted value has fewer decimals than expected. For instance: Input value: 41.39011366661221 Predicted value: 41.396626 Should I use something on my model? I’ve also tried to normalize the input. Unfortunately, I get the same number of output decimals. Any clue? Answer Your input
Delete rows where any column contains a certain string
I am dealing with a dataset that uses “..” as a placeholder for null values. These null values span across all of my columns. My dataset looks as follows: Country Code Year GDP growth (%) GDP (constant) AFG 2010 3.5 .. AFG 2011 .. 2345 AFG 2012 1.4 3372 ALB 2010 .. 4567 ALB 2011 .. 5678 ALB 2012 4.2
Geometric series: calculate quotient and number of elements from sum and first & last element
Creating evenly spaced numbers on a log scale (a geometric progression) can easily be done for a given base and number of elements if the starting and final values of the sequence are known, e.g., with numpy.logspace and numpy.geomspace. Now assume I want to define the geometric progression the other way around, i.e., based on the properties of the resulting
How to remove a child of child node using python element tree in xml file
I am beginner in xml coding. I am currently using Python element tree for coding. My xml file looks like below Here in the xml, there are child elements “edge” and child of edge is “lane” Requirement: I want to keep the “lane” that has the attribute allow=”pedestrian” and delete the other lane. If the lane under the edge has
Pandas get rank on rolling with FixedForwardWindowIndexer
I am using Pandas 1.51 and I’m trying to get the rank of each row in a dataframe in a rolling window that looks ahead by employing FixedForwardWindowIndexer. But I can’t make sense of the results. My code: results: By my reckoning, it should look like: I am basing this on a backward-looking window, which works fine: Any assistance is
create a task scheduler from the command line with python and run admin privilege
I create manual tasks in the task scheduler like [here].(https://www.jcchouinard.com/python-automation-using-task-scheduler/) I want to do this in cmd but how to choose admin privilege and send all parameters like path python or my file Answer This is my command line But I get: Invalid syntax. Mandatory option ‘sc’ is missing. Type “CREATE /?” for usage. I want to do this and
How can I replace a string value with its corresponding Boolean value in a nested dictionary in Python?
I was recently given a project to do for my Python college course. Basically, you save a dictionary in a csv file with csv.DictWriter, and then you load it back into another dictionary with csv.DictReader. However, for some reason, one of the automated unittests fails my function because the final dictionary contains values “True” or “False” instead of Bool values
python string not writing to a file
this function is being called by the way the file is correct ‘paragraphs.txt’ but when it runs it finishes with no errors but doesn’t write anything to the file git files file with problem: https://github.com/K-972/english_helper write to file test: https://github.com/K-972/file-write-test i have wrote a script separately to test writing to a file and it worked so i don’t know why