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Tag: decimal

How to increase the number of decimals when predicting an attribute using LSTM on Python?

I have an LSTM model on Python (Keras) in which predicts floats with long decimals. However, the predicted value has fewer decimals than expected. For instance: Input value: 41.39011366661221 Predicted value: 41.396626 Should I use something on my model? I’ve also tried to normalize the input. Unfortunately, I get the same number of output decimals. Any clue? Answer Your input

Replace decimals in floating point numbers

Someone on this platform has already helped me with generating the following code: This code ensures that the last decimal is not a 0 or a 9. However, I would like to have no 0’s nor 9’s in all the decimals that are generated (such that it will not be possible to have a number 1.963749 or 3.459007). It would

pd.read_csv() keep number of decimals

I want to read a csv but it culls the number of decimals: gives (first 2 rows, first five columns): enter image description here the original data (here) has 8 decimal places in the 3rd and 4th columns. I need those. 2211 196568.000 -25.732036008 28.282629130 1387.8994 2211 196569.000 -25.732032386 28.282633712 1389.4025 How do I read a csv and retain the

How to use Python to convert an octal to a decimal

I had this little homework assignment and I needed to convert decimal to octal and then octal to decimal. I did the first part and could not figure out the second to save my life. The first part went like this: I read how to convert it here: Octal to Decimal, but I have no clue how to turn it

How to convert from decimal to a binary string?

The goal of this part of the lab is to motivate a right-to-left conversion of decimal numbers into binary form. Thus, you will end up writing a function numToBinary(anInteger) that works as follows: The code I have is: But this returns the string from left to right. Can anyone help me find a way to go from the left to

How does Python babel round numbers?

I’m building a financial website with the Flask framework and I’m currently writing unit tests for it. I’m using the Babel package to format money amounts and I hit upon rather strange rounding behaviour. I would expect rounding to be up in case of a 5, or to at least be consistent. But look at this: Why is this so,
