I have an app that displays games and users can borrow them. I want to limit the amount of borrowed games for each user to max 3 games. I created two models borrow and games. The methods work well except for the max borrowing. Answer You can check whether he has borrowed more than 3 games in form.is_valid() if like
Tag: python
FastAPI – Unable to get auth token from middleware’s Request object
Following Starlette documentation (FastAPI uses Starlette for middlewares), response.headers[“Authorization”] should allow me to get the bearer token, but I get a KeyError saying no such attribute exists. When I print response.headers, I get MutableHeaders({‘content-length’: ’14’, ‘content-type’: ‘application/json’}). Why is the authorization attribute not in the header despite of making a request with an auth header? Answer You are trying to
how to select more options in “ManyToManyField()”?
i wanted to create a tag option for a a music model , well mainly musics accept more than one tag and there are amny kind of genres and tags ,so i wanted to make a ManyToManyField() that you can set more than 1 value ,also if you tag is not in add it in. to do that i thought
Is it possible to change the attribute value in the enum?
I need to reassign the attribute value in Enum. I tried to reassign the attribute, but I got: AttributeError: cannot reassign member ‘number’ Answer Author’s note: This is a horrible idea. Let’s just delete the string “1” from Python and replace it with “2” You don’t have the “1” anymore, quite literally. which sure is a tad concerning…
An Error while using bs4 and requests in replit
When I use bs4 an requests locally it works but when i put my code In replit :(The Error): The ERROR Please Help Me ! If someone can explain what is the problem with replit . Answer This would be much easier to debug if you included a sample link [a plausible value of URL.format(username)]. The error seems to be
Sending RSA encoded message from JavaScript React to Python. Ciphertext length must be equal to key size. issue
I receive the error “Ciphertext length must be equal to key size.” when trying to send an encoded message from javascript to python. I have encoded the bytesarray to base64 in javascript and decoded the base64 back to a bytes array in Python. Yet, the issue seems to persist. Key Generation (Python): Import Key (Javascript): Encrypt Data (Javascript): Transmit Data
Using multipe operators in Python sequentially
I’m trying to understand how Python handles using multiple sequential operators to add and subtract numbers. Here is an example of what I mean: I don’t understand what decides whether to add or subtract these two integers. I’ve used Python 3.11.1 for this example. Answer To understand how those expressions are evaluated you can use the ast (abstract syntax tree)
Is there a way to toggle/hide/show tkinter buttons
I am making blackjack in tkinter and instead of placing buttons over the existing buttons i want to toggle them when, say a new game. Answer There are many ways of doing this. One option (I think he simplest one) is to get your buttons in a frame that you can pack and unpack using pack and packing_forget. In this
Pyautogui taking screenshot of a region like sharex does
I am trying to make a program using pyautogui to screenshot a part of my screen. Everything is working as I intend it to, except when I click on the screenshot button, the only way I found to make it possible for me to choose the region is by doing this : So here I essentially make the program wait
Keeping the structure of a list in after operating a nested loop
Suppose I have two lists as follow: I want to add each element of list x with each element of list y while keeping the structure as given in x the desired output should be like: So far I’ve done: where res produces the sums correctly but I am losing the structure, I get: Also is there a better way