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Tag: python

Show all articles from specific category [django]

I want show all Articles from specific category in my template ‘category_articles.list.html’ at the link: path(‘category/<name_of_category_SLUG>/’ I have: URLS MODELS VIEWS ARTICLES_LIST.HTML template ARTICLE_DETAIL.HTML template finally…. CATEGORY_ARTICLES_LIST.HTMLtemplate I don’t know how put all articles to ARTICLE_DETAIL.HTML template… Answer You can iterate all articles from the reverse relation: I am not sure if you can use that in django templates and

Unexpected datetime behavior

I have a Django project where I used the strftime function like this in However, for some reason this returns a ValueError, even though according to a documentation ( this is a valid format string. Once I removed all the dashes, it worked normally. Why doesn’t this work? Do I need to import a module or something? Thanks. Answer

Checking if list element in list of lists and returning sublist

I have two lists and want to return those sublistst of list2 that contain elements of list1. So far I tried using any: and a naive approach But I only managed to repeat empty list. The result should be Not sure, where I’m going wrong. Is there maybe a way using list comprehensions or mixing list comprehensions and ‘any’ function?

pipx-installed Spyder doesn’t recognize Poetry-installed pandas only when trying to view DataFrame in Variable Explorer

I’m using Python 3.8.5. My OS is Kubuntu 18.04. I installed Spyder and Poetry via pipx: Within my project folder, I installed pandas and spyder-kernels as dependencies: I can open Spyder just fine: In Spyder -> Preferences -> Python interpreter, I added the path to the Python interpreter for the project’s Poetry environment. I can import pandas in Spyder, like

How to print red heart in python 3

I need to print the red heart emoji ❤️️ with unicode in Python 3 but it has two unicodes (U00002764 and U0000FE0F). How am I suppose to print it? For example, a green heart is print(“U0001F49A”) Answer Whether it “works” depends on the font you have and which glyphs it supports. Here’s the same character in a non-code font (literally
