I have Macbook with Apple M1 Chip in which I have to use Python 3.6.5 for my project. It comes with Python 2.7.16 and 3.8.2 preinstalled. I used brew to install Python which by default installed 3.9.1. So, I tried this homebrew formula to install 3.6.5, but got following error: I tried pyenv install 3.6.5 , but it fails with
Tag: python-3.x
Discord.py get uses and author from an invite
I would like to get all the invites from a discord server. I get all the invite but I want to get the author and the uses from it. Everything works just fine except the guild.uses. Tried to embed the things from the discord API. “””From discord api https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html Attribute & Method max_age abc.GuildChannel.invites(), Guild.invites() max_uses abc.GuildChannel.invites(), Guild.invites() created_at abc.GuildChannel.invites(),
STR going into terminal instead of GUI text box
I am trying to learn how to make a GUI so I decided to practice making a calculator. I have all of the number buttons and the ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, ‘/’ buttons working. I got stuck at the decimal button. When ever I press the button in the GUI it goes into my terminal instead of the text box. Here
I made a simple keylogger program using python but it displays “TypeError: write_file() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given”
This is my main program, and I have used pynput library to make this program: On console, the program keeps track of all the keys being pressed but when the count reaches it’s limit, instead of storing the data in “log.txt” it displays: As you can see, I was trying to write “Hello World” but as soon as I reach
instance variable difference (Python)
I have 2 questions about the solutions below. Below is my answer (Solution 1) for this question of leetcode: https://leetcode.com/problems/distribute-coins-in-binary-tree/ Quesion1 I was wondering why below does not work. What is the difference between the variable ans of Solution 1 and Solution 2? Because changes on grid variable below (Solution 3) is accumulated and affects all each recursions, I thought
Exponential of SparseTensor with mapping
I want to take the exp of each element in the sparse matrix. Here is a simple example: But this gives the followig error: Can you please help me to sort this out without converting this to dense matrix? Answer If you have Tensorflow 2.4, you can use tf.sparse.map_values: Here is the magic: Note that tf.sparse.to_dense is only there so
How to call __set_item__ at dictionary initialisation?
Below is a class MyDict that inherits from dict. What I want to do is basically to perform some operation each time a key of a MyDict object is assigned a value. So __setitem__ is my friend here: This is great but now if I do this, __setitem__ is not called anymore. I could of course overload __init__ to solve
Get Hex Color Code & Coordinate of The Pixel in A Image
imagine i have a 3×3 image & numbers as it’s pixel using python i want value of each pixel in hex-color code line by line, like using above example as a image if a run the script i should get the output something like: so please help me how can i achieve this output Note: My image in most cases
Partition string in python and get all the value before colon
I have to get all the values before the last colon(:) i.e. client:user:username:type from the following string: Input: client:user:username:type:1234567 Output: client:user:username:type I know I can split by : and then iterate and append all the tokens before :. But is there a better pythonic way to achieve this? Answer just find the index of last : and then extract the
AWS Lambda function with placeholders
I am working on AWS Lambda function for my python function. I have a python function that calls an IAM policy form a file and populates it using the function. This is my function, name of the file is template_utils.py”: This is my policy file named “meta_templates.py” I want to create a lambda handler that does the same thing with