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Tag: python-3.x

Python: Dynamically growing CSV

I am building a CSV chunk by chunk using the csv module from the standard library. This means that I am adding rows one by one in a loop. Each row that I add contains information for each column of my dataframe. So, I have this CSV: And I am adding rows one by one: And so on. My problem

pip3: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I am trying to install dependencies using pip3 command current scenario: I have no idea why my pip3 command is not working. I have tried things like this: Answer You’ve got a whole slew of different Python installations, plus at least one former Python installation that you deleted. Situations like this are exactly why running pip or pip3 directly is

Difference between Standard scaler and MinMaxScaler

What is the difference between MinMaxScaler() and StandardScaler(). mms = MinMaxScaler(feature_range = (0, 1)) (Used in a machine learning model) sc = StandardScaler() (In another machine learning model they used standard-scaler and not min-max-scaler) Answer From ScikitLearn site: StandardScaler removes the mean and scales the data to unit variance. However, the outliers have an influence when computing the empirical mean

What is the use of bincount() method from numpy?

What is its purpose? I tried reading the official site but wasn’t able to understand. Answer bincount returns the count of values in each bin from 0 to the largest value in the array i.e. e.g. Note: absent numbers (e.g. 5 above) return a count of 0 a ValueError is raised if the list contains negative numbers or NaN

loading EMNIST-letters dataset

I have been trying to find a way to load the EMNIST-letters dataset but without much success. I have found interesting stuff in the structure and can’t wrap my head around what is happening. Here is what I mean: I downloaded the .mat format in here I can load the data using it is a dictionnary with the keys as
