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Tag: mnist

Python argmax of dot product of weighted matrix and vector (mnist)

What does argmax mean in this context? I am following the tutorial in this colab notebook: It looks like this is saying that for every record x and its truth value y, in the vectors Xtrain and Ytrain, take the max value of the dot product of the weighted matrix W and the record x. Does this mean it

Reshaping MNIST for ResNet50

I am trying to train the mnist dataset on ResNet50 using the Keras library. The shape of mnist is (28, 28, 1) however resnet50 required the shape to be (32, 32, 3) How can I convert the mnist dataset to the required shape? Answer You need to resize the MNIST data set. Note that minimum size actually depends on the

Why is the result of the code offered by Deep Learning with TensorFlow different from the snapshot in its book

In the first chapter of Deep Learning with TensorFlow, it gives an example on how to build a simple neural network for recognizing handwritten digits. According to its description, the code bundle for the book can be found at GitHub. From the context, I think section Running a simple TensorFlow 2.0 net and establishing a baseline uses the code same

loading EMNIST-letters dataset

I have been trying to find a way to load the EMNIST-letters dataset but without much success. I have found interesting stuff in the structure and can’t wrap my head around what is happening. Here is what I mean: I downloaded the .mat format in here I can load the data using it is a dictionnary with the keys as

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘tensorflow.examples’

When I import tensorflow I don’t get an error. However, I do get the error below. I’m using spyder if that helps. As per other questions, I ensured up to date (v1.8) tensorflow using both conda and then pip installs. This didn’t resolve the issue. Please assist. Answer Sometimes on downloading the TF, the example directory might not be available.
