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Tag: plotly

Change title font size in Plotly

I’m trying to update the title font size on my plot using the Plotly library, but it doesn’t works. This is how I defined my layout: It correctly set the the title and the shapes, but not the font size. Answer I think you can set the title font size using a dictionary:

How to iterate over scatter data?

I am trying to plot a time series on a scatterplot with dropdown boxes using Plotly express. I have 2 traces filtered on some unique values in the “name” column of my data. I’m using the ‘color’ function on px.scatter to filter by this column. Since the traces have the same name, they are duplicated on the plot and I

How to format a number from thousands to K style in plotly

I want to change the format of y-axis from thousands to thousands in K format in plotly python. Answer Since you didn’t provide any data, or even explain what you want to show exactly on the y-axis, I will answer with what should work: If you want regularly-spaced tick values for the y-axis, you can either pass a list of

Dash bootstrap how to split the app layout

I am having some trouble to achieve the layout in the image below. What is left is for me is to add those 3 graphs that I included in blue. So far, I have included everything in 1 row using up all 12 columns: Col 1: with dropdowns and checklists → width=2 Col 2 → 12: all those cards/boxes on

How to plot spheres in 3d with plotly (or another library)?

I am struggling with plotting something, that I thought should be really simple. I have a dataframe/table df that contains the coordinates x,y,z of spheres. Additionally, in a separate column, it contains the radius of these spheres. How can I make with plotly a 3d plot of the spheres in space with their correct radius being used? The closest I
