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Tag: plotly

plotly python how to show bars where y values are zero

I would like to still show all x axis values even when the y values are zero for that bar. What am I doing wrong here? As you can see, x axis threshold one = 55% is missing from the x axis, but I would like it to still be there even though the y values are 0. Thanks in

Plotly graph is displaying as empty

I have a dataframe with the columns where data about number of users per certain cars in several weeks is shown. I made a pivot table and i’m trying to build a plot with the pivot table in plotly I get no errors but the graph shows no lines. The x-axis and the line names are correct but the values

Updating boxplot when choosing rows

I need to allow users to choose particular rows in a data frame and generate a boxplot. My implementation does not allow me to update a boxplot when I choose rows. Can somebody please point out what I do wrong? I am interested in only one column which is [‘Phase’]. Here is my implementation. Answer I am inexperienced with Dash,

Save plotly figure interactively (html) whilst preserving LaTeX font

I created a plotly figure using python and I am aware that one can save the interactive figure in html format by using: fig.write_html(“name_of_figure.html”) For the axis labels, as well as the title of the figure, I used LaTeX fonts like this: fig.update_layout(title=r’$text{Some title}_2$’) When I render it in my browser directly the LaTeX fonts are displayed correctly. However, when

Python Plotly chart update with two dropdowns

I am trying to build a plotly scatterplot in Jupyter Lab to be able to see dependencies between various columns in a DataFrame. I want to have two dropdown menus (corresponding to the X and Y axes), in each of which a full list of the DF columns will be available. When I select a column in any of the
