I have two dataframes as follows: leader: DatasetLabel: The Information dataset column names 0 to 6 are DatasetLabel about data and 7 to 12 are indexes that refer to the first column of leader Dataframe. I want to create dataset where instead of the indexes in DatasetLabel dataframe, I have the value of each index from the leader dataframe, which
Tag: pandas
Pandas sort_values does not sort numbers correctly
I’m new to pandas and working with tabular data in a programming environment. I have sorted a dataframe by a specific column but the answer that panda spits out is not exactly correct. Here is the code I have used: The result that the sort method yields values in column ‘overall league position’ are not sorted in ascending or order
Sequentially counting repeated entries
I am currently working on a project where I have to measure someones activity over time on a site, based on whether they edit a site. I have a data frame that looks similar to this: I want to add a column to the dataframe such that it counts the number of repeated values (number of edits, which is column
Save Pandas df containing long list as csv file
I am trying to save a pandas dataframe as .csv file. Currently my code looks like this: The saving works but the problem is that the lists in my dataframe are just compressed to [first,second,…,last] and all the entries in the middle are discarded. If I just look at the original dataframe all entries are there. Is there any way
Building a function to read CSV
I am new to Python and building a function to read CSV. I am trying to use the pandas.read_csv() inside my function,and while the code gets compiled-i dont see the dataset (I know its an overkill, but am trying to learn it using a trial and error method). I expect that when i run CSV(‘abc.csv’), it should create a df
How to reverse a dummy variables from a pandas dataframe
I would like to reverse a dataframe with dummy variables. For example, from df_input: To df_output I have been looking at the solution provided at Reconstruct a categorical variable from dummies in pandas but it did not work. Please, Any help would be much appreciated. Many Thanks, Best Regards, Carlo Answer We can use wide_to_long, then select rows that are
Reducing size of pyinstaller exe
I have a simple pandas pyinstaller exe which is over 40MB. My exe example: 40MB+ for this seems a bit overkill. How can I reduce this as much as possible? One method: This however is not practical considering how big the exclusion list would be. How do I select a folder for pyinstaller to get modules from and exclude everything
Pandas.plot Multiple plot same figure
I have multiple CSV files that I am trying to plot in same the figure to have a comparison between them. I already read some information about pandas problem not keeping memory plot and creating the new one every time. People were talking about using an ax var, but I do not understand it… For now I have: But it’s
Pandas rolling window to return an array
Here is a sample code. Output: I want my ‘C’ column to be an array like [0.1231, -1.132, 0.8766]. I tried using rolling apply but in vain. Expected Output: Answer You could use np.stride_tricks:
Pandas: ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer
I get ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer for following: The “x” is a column in the csv file, I cannot spot any float NaN in the file, and I don’t understand the error or why I am getting it. When I read the column as String, then it has values like -1,0,1,…2000, all look very nice int numbers