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Tag: odoo

Odoo Addon View for Sales custom dropdowns not showing properly

We are trying Odoo Repo on Ubuntu, we wanna make some custom addons. We read the documentation and we achieved to create some models and views. The main issue is that drop-down “many2one” fields show at first hiding. The only way to make it work its to click on the area of the form. We don’t know if we are

fields_view_get does not exist in Odoo 16

I was testing the modules of Odoo 15 that I developed in Odoo 16, I was using a lot of the method fields_views_get to have some behaviors to inject domain and context, before to render the component, but currently I can not find this method. Someone here knows what will be the alternative to achieve some behavior in runtime (modify

how to remove or hide rows in odoo tree if field is 0

I have a tree where in the “jumlah” column there is a value of 0, so I want the rows that in the “jumlah” column have 0 not to be displayed in the tree. here’s a picture of the tree I have. and here is the xml view of the table above edited: sorry I still don’t really understand, I

How to make odoo progress bar use decimal?

So I am learning odoo right now, and I want to make the progress bar that use decimal to determine it’s percentage. so for example if I input a 0.5, the progress bar will show 50%, so I don’t have to input 50 to get 50%. I tried using options like below PY XML but the output is either 0/1

Create a new record with one2many

I want to create a new line in stock.picking, which will contain the date and the quantity: There’s no error,but the line is not created,SO I tried with There I have an error : only 2 args, 4 given. Is there another way to create a line of one2many Answer myRec.pack_lot_ids.create({‘id’: my_id,’qty’: myQty}) : this is correct you need to
