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Tag: odoo-13

How to make odoo progress bar use decimal?

So I am learning odoo right now, and I want to make the progress bar that use decimal to determine it’s percentage. so for example if I input a 0.5, the progress bar will show 50%, so I don’t have to input 50 to get 50%. I tried using options like below PY XML but the output is either 0/1

Read one2many field in inherited model

In odoo v13, the crm.lead model is inherited and modified by the sale_crm module. In the sale_crm module, the model crm.lead is inherited and a one2many field is added, order_ids. This is an array of sales orders associated with the lead. I am trying to inherit the crm.lead model, and create a new field that is computed using the order_ids

Can’t install own custom modules in Odoo 13

During the last two days I have been trying to install a custom module in Odoo 13. I got the same error over and over again, telling that a column didn’t exist in the model that I was creating (the variable in the class did, indeed, exist), I show the error down below. The python code of the module is
