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Tag: mysql

Python SQL insert statement not working

I am trying to insert Arduino data into a database through Python, however, it will not do it. Basically I am assigning data that I read in from the serial port assigned to my Arduino and storing the first value of it in the variable arduinoData. in my insert statement I am trying to use a string literal to put

Join pandas dataframes based on column values

I’m quite new to pandas dataframes, and I’m experiencing some troubles joining two tables. The first df has just 3 columns: DF1: And the second has exactly same two columns (and plenty of others): DF2: What I need is to perform an operation which, in SQL, would look as follows: And, as a result, I want to see DF2, complemented

Can I connect to mysql using Psycopg2 lib

I have a project in python that connects to a postgreSQL database. That project have a module that connects to other data base. The connection string is on a configuration file. I configure it to use a mysql database like this: One running the module I always get the following error: line 179, in connect connection_factory=connection_factory, async=async) psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: password

pandas – Merging on string columns not working (bug?)

I’m trying to do a simple merge between two dataframes. These come from two different SQL tables, where the joining keys are strings: I try to merge them using this: The result of the inner join is empty, which first prompted me that there might not be any entries in the intersection: But when I try to match a single

How can auto create uuid column with django

I’m using django to create database tables for mysql,and I want it can create a column which type is uuid,I hope it can generate the uuid by itself,that means each time insert a record,I needn’t specify a uuid for the model object.How can I make it,thanks! Answer If you’re using Django >= 1.8, you can use a UUIDField: Passing default

Convenient way to wrap long SQL statements in javascript

In python, one can use “”” to wrap long MySQL statements. For example, However, if I try the same thing in javascript, there will be syntax error. Is there some kind of javascript equivalent for python’s “””string encapsulation? If no, what are some best practices for encapsulating a long MySQL string statement in javascript? I am using node.js restify client.

Python MySQL connector – unread result found when using fetchone

I am inserting JSON data into a MySQL database I am parsing the JSON and then inserting it into a MySQL db using the python connector Through trial, I can see the error is associated with this piece of code I have inserted higher level details and am now searching the database to associate this lower level information with its

“set session” in a SQLAlchemy session object

I’m using SQLAlchemy for a project, and need to be able to specify a session variable/setting for one specific call for performance reasons: I can of course do this in MySQL directly (on the shell), but how do I set this session variable in a SQLAlchemy session? Answer Use a session event to execute an arbitrary SQL statement on each
