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Tag: orm

I want to add data to my table using ORM in python

I want to add data in my database using ORM, and i am new to ORM in python. I am confused in SQLAlchemy and Flask-SQLAlchemy.”I tried this but don’t know how to proceed further Answer Flask-SqlAlchemy is commonly used for flask applications, otherwise just plain SqlAlchemy would should be enough. Flask-SqlAlchemy is a wrapper over SqlAlchemy and gives you following

Can I connect to mysql using Psycopg2 lib

I have a project in python that connects to a postgreSQL database. That project have a module that connects to other data base. The connection string is on a configuration file. I configure it to use a mysql database like this: One running the module I always get the following error: line 179, in connect connection_factory=connection_factory, async=async) psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: password
