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Tag: multiprocessing

When spawn processes, Does Lock have different id?

I’m trying to figure out how Lock works under the hood. I run this code on MacOS which using “spawn” as default method to start new process. Output: The Lock works in my code. However, the ids of lock make me confused. Since idare different, are they still same one lock or there are multiple locks and they somehow communicate

Fast shaping of multiprocessing return values in Python

I have a function with list valued return values that I’m multiprocessing in Python and I need to concatenate them to 1D lists at the end. The following is a sample code for demonstration: The output for illustration is: The problem is that the list L that I’m processing is pretty huge and that the concatenations at the end take

Occasional deadlock in multiprocessing.Pool

I have N independent tasks that are executed in a multiprocessing.Pool of size os.cpu_count() (8 in my case), with maxtasksperchild=1 (i.e. a fresh worker process is created for each new task). The main script can be simplified to: The pool sometimes gets stuck. The traceback when I do a KeyboardInterrupt is here. It indicates that the pool won’t fetch new
