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Tag: multiprocessing

patch object spawned in sub-processs

I am using multiprocessing package for crating sub-processes. I need to handle exceptions from sub-process. catch, report, terminate and re-spawn sub-process. I struggle to create test for it. I would like to patch object which represent my sub-process and raise exception to see if handling is correct. But it looks like that object is patched only in main process and

Using multiprocessing on Image processing

I’m trying to speed up my processing of a PIL.Image, where I divide the image into small parts, search for the most similar image inside a database and then replace the original small part of the image with this found image. This is the described function: Now I wanted to parallelize this function, since f.e. each row of such image

Plotting the pool map for multi processing Python

How can I run multiple processes pool where I process run1-3 asynchronously, with a multi processing tool in python. I am trying to pass the values (10,2,4),(55,6,8),(9,8,7) for run1,run2,run3 respectively? Answer You just need to use method starmap instead of map, which, according to the documentation: Like map() except that the elements of the iterable are expected to be iterables

Packages that are imported are not recognized during parallel computing?

I’m running the function get_content in parallel setting with multiprocess.Pool. Then it throws out an error NameError: name ‘session’ is not defined. Clearly, I defined it with session = requests.Session() . Could you please elaborate on this issue? Answer First of all, your import statement is incorrect and should be: (You had from multiprocess …, so I am not sure
