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Tag: matplotlib

Matplotlib : Applying cmap directly is different than imshow()

I have a single band image with dimensions (62, 62), that ranges from [0, 0.3]. For context it is the NDVI band, calculated by (NVI-Red) / (NVI+Red), where NVI is a band. Can more about it here: I display my image with cmap=RdYlGn to get: However, now I want to apply the cmap to ndvi and save it to

Remove the intersection between two curves

I’m having a curve (parabol) from 0 to 1 on both axes as follows: I generate another curve by moving the original curve along the x-axis and combine both to get the following graph: How can I remove the intersected section to have only the double bottoms pattern like this: The code I use for the graph: I’m doing a

Plot don’t refresh when slider updated matplotlib

I can’t figure out why the plot don’t refresh when the slider is updated. I’m using Jupiter notebook and I choose the backend with ‘nbAgg’ parameter. Initialization code : There is a animation which lunch this function : The animation : Here the slider which stuck me : This below function don’t work as expected : Answer You can try
