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Tag: matplotlib

How to display audio at the right side of matplotlib

The following code display the image and audio in the top-bottom style: Here is the test code: Is it possible for changing the “top-bottom” style to “left-right” style for displaying the audio at the right side of the plt figure? Answer You can use a GridspecLayout which is similar to matplotlib’s GridSpec. In order to direct to output into the

Getting error “unhashable type: ‘numpy.ndarray’ ” while trying to plot vectors from two different .nc files

I have read two files using open_mfdataset. What I’m trying to do is create a vector plot for the wind stress data for which the i and j components are stored in two different files. This is the data description But while trying to do the vector plotting using quiver I’m getting this unhashable typeerror. Answer You’re using matplotlib.pyplot.quiver, which

Show Average Per Month

I have the following dataset: I am trying to create a graph using matplotlib that shows the average number of task by Month & Year. I was able to complete the calculations for average and was converted the date column to show only the Month and Year. However, when I go to plot, only the year appears. Plotting: How do

How to find the right cartopy projection?

I need to plot some data in Germany with cartopy. The data part of my plot works fine (so I deleted it for now). Unfortunately, the shape of the country is deformed due to the projection. I am currently using the PlateCarree projection, but changing it to Orthographic or others created the same plot. How to improve the shape? Code:

Hiding axes values in Matplotlib

I want to hide the x,y axes values as highlighted in the figure. Is it possible to do it? I also attach the expected representation. The expected representation is Answer You need to empty x and y tick labels from ax variable:
