I’m trying to use reticulate to run some simple Python code in an RMarkdown document. I’ve found that if Matplotlib is in the conda environment, I get errors when trying to run a python code chunk, but I can run Python from R directly. Here’s a simple example of what I see: My first thought was that reticulate was not
Tag: matplotlib
seaborn is not plotting within defined subplots
I am trying to plot two displots side by side with this code It returns the following result (two empty subplots followed by one displot each on two lines)- If I try the same code with violinplot, it returns result as expected Why is displot returning a different kind of output and what can I do to output two plots
How to annotate each segment of a stacked bar chart
I’ve been trying to annotate each sub-amount of a stacked bar chart with its values like the picture shown above (values not accurate, just an example). Data frame that I used: The linked post is somewhat similar to my question but I do not understand the code given in that answer nor were there any explanations given. Annotating Values in
Why time zone conversation doesn’t affect the figure in plotting datetime objects in matplotlib?
I’m trying to plot a figure in which dates, without times, are in x-axis and times, without dates, are in y-axis: The above code works well. However when I convert time zones from UTC to US/Eastern I get the same result, as if I did nothing. The result of both before and after time zone conversation: When I print, for
Ploting multiple curves (x, y1, y2, x, y3, y4) in the same plot
I’m trying to plot a graph with four different values on the “y” axis. So, I have 6 arrays, 2 of which have elements that represent the time values of the “x” axis and the other 4 represent the corresponding elements (in the same position) in relation to the “y” axis. Example: The coordinates of the “LT” graph are: And
How to get data from matplotlib bar chart
How does one retrieve data programmatically from a matplotlib bar chart? I can do it for a matplotlib line chart as follows, so maybe I’m fairly close: for a bar chart, however, there are no lines, and I’m unclear what the equivalent object is: FWIW, here are a couple of related postings (that don’t go into bar charts): How to
Plot multiple graphs in matplotlib, setting labels and size of each graph
I want to plot multiple graphs in a matrix (4,2) and I want that the figures at the left side have their labels in their left side and the opposite for the right side. Additionally, when I plot them in Google Colab, the graphs are all squished together, so I would like to increase their size and the spacing between
Python uniform random number generation to a triangle shape
I have three data points which I performed a linear fit and obtained the 1 sigma uncertainty lines. Now I would like to generate 100k data point uniformly distributed between the 1 sigma error bars (the big triangle on the left side) but I do not have any idea how am I able to do that. Here is my code
Why month x-ticks are labelled wrongly in a datetime index?
I have a dataset of 12 values, with the index being a datetime64 type and I want to plot a bar graph of the data with the x-ticks showing the Month in English. I have used the MonthLocator and DateFormatter functions of matplotlib. These are working for one dataset but not with the other one. The x-ticks months are labelled
How to plot a horizontal stacked bar with annotations
I used the example for Discrete distribution as horizontal bar chart example on matplotlib Discrete distribution as horizontal bar chart to create a chart showing share of the vote in Shropshire elections 2017. However, because I did not know how to manipulate the data I had to manually enter my data in the program which is clearly down to my