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Tag: matplotlib

How to Plot Implicit Equation in Python

I want to Plot V(y axis) vs t(x axis) graph using the below equation at 5 different values of L(shown below) L= [5,10,15,20,25] b=0.0032 Equation, (b*V*0.277*t) – (b*L) = log(1+b*V*0.277*t) code output will be as shown in figure Expected Outcome Answer While sympy exposes the plot_implicit function, the results are far from good. We can use Numpy and Matplotlib to

Add two legends in the same plot

I’ve a x and y. Both are flattened 2D arrays. I’ve two similar arrays, one for determining the colour of datapoint, another for determining detection method (“transit” or “radial”), which is used for determining the marker shape. Since there can be only one type of marker in a scatterplot and I have two types of markers, I call the scatterplot

Break line chart on the plot

I have a dataframe with a column for weeks and data captured for each week. it looks like this Now I am plotting a line chart with this data . Notice that from week 23 to week 40, we didnt have data. so my intention is to skip this weeks on the plot and only have a line chart of

python linear chart with min max and Avg

I wonder how in Python I can create a line graph that shows the maximum, minimum and the average for a given epoch. I don’t know much about this language and how to make one x have 3 y values. I would like to create something like: I tried to do it this way the first column is the epoch,

Creating a network-like figure a truss in Python

I would like to create the graphic of a truss. I have two lists of lists; one gives the bar number and the nodes that make them, it looks like this: For example, element one is composed by node 1 and node 2. The other dataset gives the nodes followed by its coordinates in the 2D plane. It looks like

Different binwidth for each plot in FacetGrid Seaborn

I would like to give each histplot in FacetGrid from seaborn a different binwidth. To give each plot a binwidth of 3 is possible like this: Output: But let’s say you want to give each plot a different binwidth, for example 1,2,3 and 4 in a list, the following error appears: Error: So I was wondering if anyone knows how

Python Matplotlib -> give each x axis a numeric Label

I want to give each x Point a Label. From 0 to Inf. The Label should be visible at the point, that is the highest. Function: Answer Here is a minimal working example of what I think you want to achieve. It generates the following plot. For testing purposes I create 3 arrays of 10 random numbers each. Afterwards you
