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Tag: matplotlib

‘cannot compute Pack as input #1(zero-based) was expected to be a float tensor but is a int32 tensor [Op:Pack] name: packed’. Error with tf.squeeze

I’m trying to display images of a dataset on a plot with their predictions. But I have this error: cannot compute Pack as input #1(zero-based) was expected to be a float tensor but is a int32 tensor [Op:Pack] name: packed This is the code in which I plot: I have the error on second line, on the tf.squeeze function. I

sympy matplolib piecewise TypeError?

matplotlib TypeError? Please tell me the difference. i want to use plt.plot OK Error.why? raise TypeError(“can’t convert expression to float”) TypeError: can’t convert expression to float (ref) Sympy issues with plotting a piecewise function sympy piecewise:How can I plot a piecewise function using matplotlib? (20220315) Answer Matplotlib expects arrays of points rather than symbolic expressions. SymPy’s plot function is designed

Why does pylab always plot to the last created figure?

I tried to create 2 figures at the same time. I thought I could plot into each figure by specifying the desired axis as shown in the code below, but all of the data goes into the last created figure (here, fig2). When I run this nothing plots in the fig1 axes, it all goes into the fig2 axes even

Merge dataframes with mirrored values

I have a dataframe which stores measurement points of an circular area. So each point has a Radius_mm and Angle_deg value. As a visual representation of the data, I would now like to create a section through the surface. I.e. I choose one angle and the corresponding angle that lies at 180° to it, including the center. The x-axis should

Why matplotlib slider not working in Colab?

I’ve stuck with an issue that I have a slider but It’s not interactive, I followed by documentation but even ready solution didn’t worked, how to solve that? Not worked in Google Colab and Jupyter Notebook. I have already tried to change matplotlib backend kernel from qt to ktinker but nothing my code : My aim is to get a
