I have found many questions that have helped me get to where I am at now, but am stuck moving forward. End goal: I have ~1500 audio files with meaningless names (each 9 characters long and a mix of numbers and letters; i.e. 4a96det8g). I have a table with the meaningless name in one column and a useful name in
Tag: macos
messed up pip for python 2.7.16 and upgraded it to pip v 21.1.2
specs: macOs BigSur Iterm2 with ohmyzsh preinstalled with python2.7.16 & python 3.9.5 Problem : i upgraded pip without pyenv , so now both pip and pip3 refer to python 3.9.5 i made an alias for python 3.9.5 to be default in .zshrc file i also used pip to install flask Questions : Do i donwgrade pip for python2.7.16? Or re
pyinstaller makes an empty black window of my tkinter gui
For a very simple example, consider the following code which produces a window like so: After running pyinstaller –onefile –noconsole minimal.py (the name of the code file is minimal.py), I obtain, in the dist folder a bundle file (the app) which, when run, gives me the following: The menu works just normally (that’s the reason for which I included it;
Python/pip process are killed in virtualenv (Apple M1 chip)
When I execute pip or python in MacBook M1 chip virtualenv, the process always terminates immediately with message like: or Python and pip in M1 MacBook native environment run fine. Only in the virtualenv they don’t work. Answer After some research, I find out it is related with “x86_64” and “arm 64” architecture. To solve the problem, you have to
How can execute a shell script from spotlight on macOS passing a first command line argument?
I have written a python program that needs a first command line argument to run from the Terminal. The program can be used to copy a text to the clipboard when it is run with a certain keyword. This use case is just an exercise to understand, how I can run a batch file on macOS (or shell script in
Pillow Not installing on Apple Silicon
I am having a nightmare of a time installing Pillow on my apple silicon. Everytime I attempt to install it, it throws a truly massive error which I have posted below. It says wheel is not installed but it is installed. It also says to refer to the Pillow page which I have done. I also installed homebrew and tried
How would I increment the numerical portion of a specific parameter in a URL string?
Here’s my specific example: I need the numerical value of param7 in this example to increase by a count of 1 before each pass up to param7 = ’30’. Is there any way to create a list or dict containing values ‘1’ through ’30’ and tell param7 to use use move through the dict at index + 1? Answer You
Threads not running in parallel for a system command
This is my script It appears that both starts are executed immediately. However, the sounds are not played in parallel but one after the other. When running the following shell script both sounds play at the same time. What makes Python run the commands sequentially instead of parallel? I’m using Big Sur with with the standard Python (2.7). Answer I
Installation of earlier versions of Python (prior to 3.8) fails on Mac with M1 Chip (ARM based Apple Silicon)
I have Macbook with Apple M1 Chip in which I have to use Python 3.6.5 for my project. It comes with Python 2.7.16 and 3.8.2 preinstalled. I used brew to install Python which by default installed 3.9.1. So, I tried this homebrew formula to install 3.6.5, but got following error: I tried pyenv install 3.6.5 , but it fails with
Install opencv-python module
I’m trying to install the opencv module without success, I think the problem is related to the version of python I’m using. Indeed I upgraded to the 3.9.1 version but when I’m trying to install the module, I still receive a warning referred to the old version of python I had (i.e. 2.7). How can I get rid of this