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Tag: html

How to adjust row height with pandas Styler

I have a styled pandas DataFrame that I want to export to HTML with smaller rows than default. I don’t know much about CSS so I haven’t found a way to make it work so far. Can it be achieved and if so, how? Answer Set the styles for row and data cell line height and reset the padding

Extract HTML into JSON with pyhton BeautifulSoup

The problem I’m trying to parse some blocks of HTML to store the relevant data in a JSON object but I’m struggling with the way BeautifulSoup’s treatment of child tags clashes with my specific requirements. Eample input: Desired output: My attempt Here’s my best attempt so far: Which produces the following output: You can see I have three issues: The

Pandas’ read_html not reading html tables

I am trying to see if I can use, and only use, Pandas’ read_html function to scrape HTML tables from the following website: I can fulfil my needs using selenium/bs but want to see if I can scrape this site’s tables with just pd.read_html alone. Currently, pd.read_html returns the first two tables, but is not able to access tables

How to display a model data dynamically in Html?

I have a model and in a function this model is updating. I want to display this model’s data dynamically. So, new values should display without refreshing the page. How can I do it? setup_wizard.html All my function works fine. When I looking the MyLongProcess from Django admin and refresh the page, values are updating. Just I

Images not hosted on server with flask, jinja2 and html

I want to load images from links with flask and jinja2. This is what I’m trying: I have checked that anime.cover =, but the images won’t load. What is a possible solution? Thank you in advance! Answer First check to make sure you’re getting your anime object (I can’t tell from the question). Then, check to make sure your

Selenium Python Checkbox Click

I am trying to access the following HTML checkbox for a button click: using: but keep getting error: what might be the element path I am looking for in order to select the checkbox? Answer Your xpath is most likely incorrect – you need to enter // before the element as this will find all (single slash / will work
