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Tag: html

How to get username of Instagram account

I want to know how I can print the username of the Instagram account by the link the user will provide using python. Image attached for better understanding. Answer As you mentioned, the Instagram link should be something like this: link = “” What you can do, is split the string using / as separator, which turns it into a

Embedding image in HTML email using Python

I have been trying to embed images to an email using MIMEImage but even after replicating examples I find online, I keep having the same issue… Here is the part of the HTML that embeds the image: This is my Python code: But, when the email sends, I keep getting the error saying: The linked image cannot be displayed. The

Not able to do Insert operation in CRUD

I am making a CRUD of colors with color_name and color_description. While trying to insert the details the error below has be shown: below is the insert and show function that I have tried out model HTML of insert_color HTML of show color I have checked the names assigned and they are matching, so where am I going wrong? Answer

Styling Large Pandas Dataframe

I have seen similar posts but have not found an answer that works. I am trying to style a very large Pandas dataframe. I have a function like the following. All it does is assign a red background to negative values and a green background to positive values. I style the entire dataframe: And finally output to HTML: The problem

Load data from Flask/Python to HTML textarea

I am trying to send data from Python / Flask to an HTML form textarea but need some help. responses.html is shown below. A portion of is shown below: I would like to display any previously recorded responses in the response textarea of responses.html while preserving the placeholder when no previous response was received from the user. Answer I

Dropdown list issues

I’ve also been trying to set a default value in a dropdown box on HTML from the data I retrieved from MySQL. However, I noticed that if the user did not click on the dropdown box and clicked on one item from it. In other words, if they assumed the displayed value is the value they would like to submit returns an empty list

I have an issue with .select which always returns an empty list while practicing webscraping. I am working on the following page: using BeautifulSoup. I am getting and parsing HTML as following: I try to retrieve the urls of each articles displayed on the page, under class “title row-space-1” (I use developer tools of chrome to find class, disabled
