I’m using the requests module from Python to get a webpage that requires login to access. I know how to have requests enter the login details on a page, but I am having trouble accessing the form fields on this particular page because they are generated by Javascript after clicking a button. Here’s the website in question: https://pennmedialab.getconnect2.com/signin.aspx When first
Tag: html
Nested Dict to Table in Jinja2
I am scratching my head trying to correctly format a table from a nested dict in Jinja2, but having no luck. The dict is something like this: And I want the table to look like: The closest I have come is: But this doesn’t work. I am having trouble assigning the k1 variable without also having to extend the loop
How to get the a href link from under the div class? using beautiful soup
I am trying to scrape the href attribute from links from a page, but I end up with [] as the output The HTML code is My desired output is: https://www.pigiame.co.ke/listings/nissan-latio-2016-36000-kms-5300124 Answer You can try: Prints:
How do I select pseudo-elements in python with Selenium?
These two elements have the exact same attributes except for the text in the pseudo-element. Is there anyway I can click on the “Practical” element. I’ve tried the following to no avail: Answer Pseudo elements are not elements. So, that ::before seems to be just a kind of text content of div element. I can’t give you tested answer since
how do i display a grid of images (and have them them transparent until a keyboard key is pressed) [closed]
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 4 months ago. Improve this question any language. im wanting to make a program that will show what ability’s im using in a game and have
how to Send dataframe as html table with font styling based on text value as a email attachment
I have a dataframe, In that if the value is starting with letter “A” i’m styling it in red color, now i need to send it as html table in mail but when i execute it its coming without that styling, below is the code i tried please help. please check the image for df style enter image description here
Hi My Django Forms.cleaned_data is not giving me any output. Can someone help me?
I am trying to create a page to generate passwords and the user will select either level 0 or level 1 for varying strengths of the password. And I am not able to get the users selection of level 0 or level 1 using the radio button. My views.py My forms.py My html file Sorry if the problem may seem
How to scrape the text from this data?
I want to get the data regarding the information regarding “images” subsection. This is the code that I have written until now. However, I could not move forward. Could anybody please help? Answer You are on the right track, you just need to further dissect the information from that tag, to get what you need. Here is one way of
Get the desired table from the site
There is a link to a site with a schedule. On the page there are 3 elements <select>: Institute (faculty), course, group. How to get the desired table through Requests? I tried Post and Get, unsuccessfully. Maybe Requests will not help here at all, and it is better to try Selenium? Answer You can use BeautifulSoup to parse the elements:
How to put object datefield in html input value
I have a class “client” with an attribute datefield called “birth_date”. I want to give the possibility for update this field. How can i put the default value in the form, in the input type date? Because the format in “client.birth_date” is different. If i try with, for example: The input value is setting true, but the format is different