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Tag: google-colaboratory

Customize tooltip in Altair chart

I’m using Google Colab for learning Python. In this Google Colab notebook I’ve built for demostration, I was able to get some JSON data and visualize it with Altair. This is the chart image I got so far – you can interact with the data in the linked Google Colab notebook or directly in the vega-editor ready with the sample

Can’t extract table from yahoo finance

I try to run the below code but still can’t get the proper output in Excel with headers. Please help. The intended format will be in the below pic. Answer If an Excel spreadsheet isn’t mandatory, then your “result” variable can be saved as a txt file in the same formatting in terms of rows and columns by including the

My project is working on google colab but not working on pycharm

My project is a handwriting digit analyzer. It is working on Google Colab but is showing an error on Pycharm. The statement that is making it work in colab is “%matplotlib inline” this line is showing an error in pycharm. Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 15, in plt.imshow(np.reshape(image, (18, 18)), cmap=”gray”) File “<array_function internals>”, line 5, in

How do I use the exported ‘” file from yolov5 colab file to run the trained weights locally?

I have trained my model using yoloV5 on google colab, following the provided tutorial and walkthrough provided for training any custom model: Colab file for training your own custom model. I now have an exported file after running the last cell in the link provided. Now, I want to make use of this trained weight to run a detection
