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Tag: file

Processing files in sorted order

I have 67 images in a directory with names as: Files are jpg files Im_260x_y where x is the number of images 1..67, y are 0, 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 258. These files are randomly stored in the directory. I want to process the files in sorted order (same order which I have written above i.e Image

Renaming scientific paper PDFs from one name pattern to another name pattern

I am trying to automate the renaming of PDFs of scientific papers from one name pattern to another using python. The name pattern the PDFs occur in looks like this: Cresswell, K., Worth, A., & Sheikh, A. (2011). Implementing and adopting electronic health record systems. Clinical governance- an international journal. i.e. “LastName1, FirstLetterGivenName1., LastName2, FirstLeterGivenName2., […]. (Year). Title. Journal.” The

absolute path for file not working properly python

basically, I’m trying to store the full path for a file in a list but for some reason os.path.abspath() doesnt seem to work properly but my output seems to output this : ‘C:Users******Documentsfolderexample’ the problem is that it should be : ‘C:Users******DocumentsfolderTRACKERexample’ the difference is that the second one (the correct one) has the TRACKER included which is the official

How can I use the content of a file as a condition?

I installed AutoKey on my computer so I can execute python files with the keyboard, and what I want to do is execute a script as a loop but also being able to stop it. The script presses the “d” key on my keyboard, waits around 2.4 seconds, and then presses “s”. What I thought would be a good idea

Accessing Files from User Device using Flutter or Python

I am making a music player with flutter so, I wanna to ask how to access all the files of a particular extension ( mp3, wav ) with it’s details in Flutter or if not in Flutter then Python to play those music files with details like song name, author name Answer In python, you can basically do: By doing

Updating the json file edited in Python

Suppose I have a json file like – This is a single object. There are hundreds of objects similar to these. What i did was I accessed every ‘name’ from “name_list” and cleaned it using some rules. In that process some common name were removed. Now I want to update the cleaned data back to the json file. Note that
