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Tag: excel

Sort timestamps into differents arrays from xlsx file

xlsx file (Using python) In the column :’klokkeslett’, i want to transfer the time from 08:00:00 to 10:00:00 to an array. And from 10:00:00 to 12:00:00 in to another array and so on. How can i do that using python(Jupiter notebook). Answer Assuming Jupiter creates a list (going to use the python term for array) of dictionaries containing your data,

create multiple excel files with the data in dataframe using python

I have a sample dataframe1 How do I iterate through the manager column in such a way that rows/data of one manager should be saved in excel and the rows/data of another manager should be saved in another excel? desired result first excel data (filename: ABC – XYZ, MNO) second excel data (filename: XYZ – KLM, EFG, HIJ) Answer Actually

Fill Excel cells with random numbers

I have a question about how to fill some cells in Excels with random values? For example, I have a part of the code with: Which gave me the error of: TypeError: Unsupported type <class ‘generator’> in write() How to fix it? Answer To write multiple cells, use write_row() or write_column() as shown in the docs. Also, try changing the
