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Tag: excel

Write new field with CSV writer

I am trying to write a new row on CSV A based on the ID number if the ID number. For example as seen on CSV B if ID = 1 then the student is a Female, ID = 2 is a Male. CSV A (has 3 columns) CSV B (has 2 columns) Based on this information the desired output

Export sheets from excel with given names and save them to new excel files

Is it possible to export multiple excel sheets having the same naming attribute to new excel file ? For example I have excel file named ONTO.xlsx and this file has 4 sheets: Classification ClassificationTypeAllowed BizHierarchy BizHierarchyType I want to export from ONTO.xlsx every sheet with Classification in its name to Class.xlsx and every sheet with Biz in its name to

Remove Automatic Page Breaks in Openpyxl

I am using openpyxl in Python to write to a worksheet. I need to add page breaks to specific rows. I am able to successfully add those row breaks using this block of code: However, I cannot seem to get rid of the automatic page breaks that Excel creates, leaving me with a bunch of unnecessary pages on my worksheet.

Python | Excel csv File Unicode Issue

There is a python file to extract user’s data from telegram group. Here is the codes : After extracting members when i open members–.csv file i see problems on UniCode characters. How can i fix this issue? I am using excel 2016 Answer The problem is not your code, it’s Excel. When Excel opens a file it uses the encoding

Match two dataframes and fill the column value in pandas

I have two excel file. I have to match them based on particular column and fill the other column. I explain you in the example. Example: 2 excel files: monitered call.xlsx In this excel 2 sheets are there, 1. print add 2. digital digital C2D.xlsx single sheet is there Sheet1 monitered calls.xlsx: digital C2D.xlsx I have to match Caller Number
