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Tag: excel

Excel VBA to Python code (Filter function)

I’m new to python. Some help would be great, thanks in advance too. I am trying to get the various average salary based on Units. In Excel, I would do =AVERAGE(FILTER(B:B,A:A=D3)). Where Column B is all the individual salaries and Column A is the various Unit. I have managed to do an array of the different units: DiffUnits = df[“Unit”].unique()

Add custom properties to Excel workbook with openpyxl

With VBA, I can edit arbitrary workbook metadata like so, and it will be reflected on SharePoint: Now, I am hoping to do the same with openpyxl I can do this for properties without spaces: but properties with spaces won’t work–I try this and the script runs, but nothing shows on SharePoint: This can be done with xlsxwriter but it

collect subprocess outputs and write to excel in python

I wrote a loop in python to cope with a list of tasks, and during every loop certain outputs (plain text) from either stderr or stdout will be generated, what I want is trying to collect them inside python and at the end write them together into excel. I also tried before write them respectively after every loop into excel

Generate Excel files for each of element in a column using Python

I want to generate Excel files for each of element in a column : I will describe what I want with pictures : I have an excel file like this: I want for each element of the column “FRUIT”, to be on a different excel file like this : excel-BANANA.xlsx : excel-CHERRY.xlsx : excel-APPLE.xlsx : Is it possible ? Answer

Convert Spreadsheet to Data Frame Syntax in Python

Out of the box (and broad) question here: I have a spreadsheet that I’d like to use as an example in a question to the SO community, but I have a feeling most SO helpers would not like to deal with spreadsheets as data input/examples. Instead, I’d like to provide an already-transformed data frame for you; however, I am not
