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Tag: error-handling

Decoding a Payload using GitHub Decoder Script

Abstract: I am analysing a pcap file, with live malware (for educational purposes), and using Wireshark – I managed to extract few objects from the HTTP stream and some executables. During my Analysis, I found instances hinting Fiestka Exploit Kit used. Having Googled a ton, I came across a GitHub Rep: What am I trying to achieve? I am

Load oracle Dataframe in dask dataframe

I used to work with pandas and cx_Oracle until now. But I haver to switch to dask now due to RAM limitations. I tried to do it similar to how I used cx_oracle with pandas. But I receive an AttributeError named: Any ideas if its just a problem with the package? Answer Please read the dask doc on SQL: you

Image Type Error: OpenCV Python

I get an image type error when I run my code. I know HoughLinesP requires a grayscale image but when I try to convert the source image to grayscale I get the following error(1): error: (-215) depth == 0 || depth == 2 || depth == 5 in function cv::cvtColor If I run HoughLinesP without converting to grayscale I get
