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Tag: django

Django Standalone Script in Django 4.1

I am trying to run a standalone script in django 4.1. I have the setup as suggested in this post at the top of my file: Django Standalone Script However, on the 4th line, I get the following error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘sport_api’ This is my INSTALLED_APPS in How do I get around this error? Update: Answer You

Django – Create model with fields derivable from other model

I have 2 Django models representing the coin domain. The Coin has some properties and the trading Pair is based on those properties. Let’s add a couple of Coin instances: and one Pair: As you can see, code and name in the Pair model can be derived from code and name in the Coin model. To put it simple: Pair

django forms don’t show clear image button

I have a Django form modalform. There is an image field in it. The issue is that when the user clicks on the clear image, the image is removed from the models, but when the html file tries to retrieve the image, an error message appears The ‘image’ attribute has no file associated with it. So I’m planning to remove

Create Array from Model Data in Django Template in

I am trying to use JQuery date picker and I want to make use of the beforeShowDay method in order to block out dates in the date picker. I have been able to get the widget to work and if I define an array, the beforeShowDay method works flawlessly. But my issue is passing the data from my Django model

Django: Nested Loop In Template

In above this loop creates a list of objects per each category. In the template below this loop prints a filtered object list per every item in the category list. The only thing I am missing is I do not now how to reference the category in the template. I pass the whole list in context, but {{category{{forloop.counter}}}} is
