I am following this guide: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/tutorial-python-postgresql-app?tabs=bash%2Cclone&pivots=postgres-single-server After successfully completing Step 1 and Step 2, I get to Step 3: “Install the db-up extension for the Azure CLI: az extension add –name db-up” Yet, when I run this command, I receive the following output: Any ideas here? I’ve tried some of the solutions to similar errors I’ve found on Stack/GitHub, but
Tag: django
django custom function for filter query
I’ve a field in my model called, test_data = models.TextField(…), and the model is called MyOrm and this test_data contains data which is actually string, some holds JSON data, and some reference to blob-url. Now I’m trying to streamline my data. So I want to filter all the MyOrm object whose test_data ain’t JSON. I’m just storing/trying to store some
how to update record and same record create in other table in django form
i have 2 model one is Tempdriver and other one is Hiring, i am register new customer in Tempdriver table, i need when i edit tempdriver record and status is (accept) and when i save this record then need to same record create on hiring table with matching column with status=(Applied on app) rest column should be null in hiring
Django differentiate between incorrect login information and inactive user on login
Currently I added in my site a method for email confirmation when registering. What I saw though, is that when the user is registered, but didn’t click in the confirmation link yet and tries to login, I can’t differentiate between wrong user/password and not confirmed user. This is my login function: The problem is that when running form.is_valid() the authenticate
How to filter out objects that do not have a relationship with another form in Django?
I have two samples in an application built using Django: I want to filter out all users who don’t have any products in the store. How do I do this? Answer This seems the simplest:
Flitering django queryset based on ManyToManyField
In my Request model, there is a field requested_to which is a ManyToManyField I want to filter queryset of Request model where a organization_user is not in requested_to Answer You can filter with: Django makes LEFT OUTER JOINs when you filter on a ManyToManyField (or a reverse ForeignKey), so here we exclude all Requests where organization_user is a member of
The view home.views.login_view didn’t return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead
I am trying to create role based login system but it continuously showing the mentioned error N.B: I’m new to django Answer Every view in django should return an instance of HttpResponse object, therefore you need to cover all edge cases, e.g.:
Django dev server no longer reloads on save
I’m developing a simple Django app and things were going great until suddenly the dev server stopped reloading automatically on file change. Now I have to manually restart the server every time I change some Python file, which is pretty annoying. I’ve tried removing my virtual environment and reinstalling Django to no avail so I guess the problem is with
Django – store.models.Customer.MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one Customer — it returned 2″
I am trying to make an e-commerce website where “AnonymousUser” or Guest user can order and check out products by providing their name, email, and address. But after clicking the “Make Payment” button, my terminal was having an error that says “store.models.Customer.MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one Customer — it returned 2!” When I try to login and do the
Does PasswordResetConfirmView.py auto populate uid and token?
The view definitely does not populate on my end but password_reset_confirm.html in the demo template folder seems to do that. password_reset_confirm_form.html urls.py Edit: maybe this webpage here is not the same page in django-rest-auth demo folder. Answer Answer credits to GitHub user, riteshbisht. What I am seeing is UI of browsable API of django rest framework that does not have